1) Fisher King
2) That Dog
3) Bad Dream
4) Lies
5) Bomb Song
6) Postcard From Paris
7) Labyrinth
8) Go On
9) That Dog (radio play)
10) Out of Place
Artist Profile
Born in Bakersfield, California, Susan Frailey grew up with the house hold names of Merle Haggard and Johnny Cash. Writing poems and strumming guitar in high school her influences included Aerosmith, Neil Young and Joni Mitchell. Susan was encouraged by her parents to pursue other means of employment and she chose to attend nursing school. After college Susan travelled as a nurse and landed in Los Angeles to explore the music and entertainment business and satisfy her desire for writing and singing. Musical tastes now included Johnette Napalitano, Baby Animals, and Ricki Lee Jones. Discontent in the city, Susan moved to Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, for a change of life and began playing in the local band scene. When "going solo" looked like the way to accomplish some dreams, she formed her own record label, Pirate Jane, and teamed up with Tahoe local Kraig Catton of Tin Pan Alley Productions to write, record and produce her debut CD "Whadya Want?!" Efforts are now divided on her band and promotions for "Whadya Want?!" and developing Pirate Jane Records in South Lake Tahoe.
�1995 Band of Kraigs Music
Label: Pirate Jane