This 60-minute video documentary through stunning computer animation, interviews with leading scientists, and spectacular images of Earth and the cosmos, explores a startling connection between our capacity to survive and our ability to observe and understand the universe. Many scientists and philosophers have claimed that Earth is an ordinary speck of dust adrift, without purpose or significance, in a vast cosmic sea. Yet, current astronomical evidence seems to suggest just the opposite. Is this correlation merely a coincidence? Or does it point to a deeper truth about purpose and intelligent design within the cosmos?
We know that a rare and finely tuned array of factors makes Earth suitable for complex life. We depend on our planet's oxygen-rich atmosphere, its large moon, its planetary neighbors, and its precise location with the solar system and Milky Way galaxy. But there is more. The same factors that make a planet like Earth hospitable to life also provide the best conditions for scientific discovery.
Narrated by John Rhys-Davies (The Lord of the Rings).
DVD Bonus Features:
The search for Earth-like planets
Journey to the edge of the universe
Questions and answers
Earth from space
Reference library
Chapter selection
More than 40 minutes of extras
Running Time: Approx. 60 Minutes - Stereo