Exodus Film Group presents this computer-animated children's film featuring the voices of Christina Ricci, Rosie Perez, Craig Ferguson, and Wayne Brady. Ben is a young boy who loves to color; little does he realize his beloved crayons lead a secret life of excitement and adventure. Every night, when the sun goes down, Ben's crayons pay a visit to Color City, a whimsical world of breathtaking beauty. Trouble arises, however, when Ben falls asleep one night, and Yellow is left behind by her fellow crayons. In her attempt to catch up with them, Yellow accidentally stirs an unfinished sketch of the monstrous King Scrawl and his malevolent henchman Gnat. Before they can be stopped, the diabolical duo have made their way to Color City, and staked their claim on the magical Rainbow Waterfall. Now, if Yellow and her friends don't act fast, all of Color City's glorious hues will soon fade. Fortunately for the citizens of this enchanted land, courageous Yellow is about to learn that if she believes in herself, anything is possible -- even defeating a formidable foe like the dreaded King Scrawl.