THE GODFROY'S - Wea & Miami Indians & Their French Families - Softcover
By Brenda K. Haffner

Product Details
A History & Genealogy Throughout Time: Volume II History (Vol-II History ) (Volume 2) - Softcover
VOLUME II - HISTORY Size: 8.5 x 11"; 604 pages Three Massive Volumes; Vol-I Genealogy; Vol-II History & Vol-III Documents; all telling the historic family story of a mixed peoples; Wea, Eel River, Miami, Kaskaskia, Peoria & Illini Native American Indians & French ; spanning in time from the year 1066 to 2000! NEVER BEFORE has there been such a dramatically complete written history on the Wea (Ouiatenon) Indians & their Tribe anywhere! The books will take the reader deep into the trenches of the REAL history never before seen in any other writings! All in chronological order for easy following & understanding as the events of history & time unfold before your very eyes. Quotes from the Author: -Our French forefathers started their journey into the New World, what is now America; they met & married our Wea Native American Indian Ancestors, who had always been here. The blending of these two ancestral roots makes up our families & who we are today. There is no shame. Our Ancestors did what they thought they must in order to survive. Today we are faced with the same; we must do what each of us thinks we must to preserve our Peoples history, culture & beliefs. For me, this is the truth & this is the reason I write these books. I assure you that all facts are historically correct & backed up by numerous historical documents & archive material of which most is listed in the books references. This work took over 10 years for each volume to be completed. The research & collecting of this material spans over 4 generations. Our Ancestors in these books will find & embrace many people, many families, not just ours. It is my hope that many more people out there will find their roots & Ancestors because of this work.- Vol-I Genealogy & Vol-III Documents will be published soon in the same fashion in the very near future. Watch for them! CONTENTS CH. 1 Our French & the First Crusades CH. 2 French, Jesuits & the Fur Trade CH. 3 Forts & Posts Break the Wilderness CH. 4 Bits of Wea History CH. 5 Wea Chiefs, Villages & Locations CH. 6 Lifestyles, Customs & Change CH. 7 Stolen Land, War & Treaty Talk CH. 8 Treaties of the Wea CH. 9 Removals West & Citizen Peoria-s CH. 10 Annuities CH. 11 National Archives & Consolidated Dockets CH. 12 Land Records & Maps CH. 13 Wea Indian Tribe of Today CH. 14 Photo Album Other Tribes: Abenaki, Algonquian, Anishinaabe, Brothernton, Cayuga, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Chippewa, Delaware, Fox, Huron, Iroquois, Kickapoo, Kilatak, Linneway, Mandan, Mascouten, Menominee, M-tis, Mingo, Mohawk, Mohegan, Munsee, Nanticoke, Natchez, Nipissing, Nipmuc, Ojibaw, Oneida, Onondaga, Osage, Ottawa, Pepicokia, Potawatomie, Quapaw, Sauk, Shawnee, Sioux, Winnebago, Wyandot Prominent surnames: Abbott, Aveline, Baby, Baron, Beaubien, Beaver, Belestre, Berthelet, Black, Bondy, Boucher, Boxell, Boyd, Boyer, Brouillette, Buck, Burnett, Campeau, Cardinal, Chapoton, Charley, Chesne, Cicotte, Cloud, Cott, Dagenette, DeLisle, Dixon, Drake, Eddy, Finley, Fish, Fuller, Gamelin, Gaultier, Gillis, Godfroy, Gouin, Hackley, Haffner, Hedges, Hunt, Hunter, Isaac, Isbell, Jarrett, Keller, LaCroix, LaFontaine, Langlois, Larimer/Larrimar, LeGrand, LeGris, LeGro, Lefebvre, Lindley, Paschal, Peckham, Peery, Peoria, Racine, Reaume, Richardville, Roe/Rowe, Roi/Roy, Shadle, Shaw, Shields, Sills, Smith, St. Onge, Testard, Trottier, Vallie, Wadsworth, Walker, Ward, Waubunse, Wells, Wea, Wilson Some Battles & Wars: Pickawillany Massacre 1752, Great Meadows 1754, French & Indian 1754, Pontiac's 1763, Bushy Run 1763, Detroit 1763, Embarras 1785, Destruction Ouiatenon 1791, Fallen Timbers 1794, Tippecanoe 1811; Mississinewa, Tecumseh-s Brownstown, Fort Wayne & Fort Dearborn/Chicago 1812; Thames 1813, Black Hawk-s 1832. Miami & Iroquois 1660, Iroquois 1648 & 1732-1733 , Kaskaskia 1680, Iroquois & French 1656 & 1684, Miami & Illini 1765, Wea & Iroquois 1704, Wea & Miami 1712-1714, Wea & Chickasaw 1732-1738
Paperback: 604 pages
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.4 x 11 inches
VOLUME II - HISTORY Size: 8.5 x 11"; 604 pages Three Massive Volumes; Vol-I Genealogy; Vol-II History & Vol-III Documents; all telling the historic family story of a mixed peoples; Wea, Eel River, Miami, Kaskaskia, Peoria & Illini Native American Indians & French ; spanning in time from the year 1066 to 2000! NEVER BEFORE has there been such a dramatically complete written history on the Wea (Ouiatenon) Indians & their Tribe anywhere! The books will take the reader deep into the trenches of the REAL history never before seen in any other writings! All in chronological order for easy following & understanding as the events of history & time unfold before your very eyes. Quotes from the Author: -Our French forefathers started their journey into the New World, what is now America; they met & married our Wea Native American Indian Ancestors, who had always been here. The blending of these two ancestral roots makes up our families & who we are today. There is no shame. Our Ancestors did what they thought they must in order to survive. Today we are faced with the same; we must do what each of us thinks we must to preserve our Peoples history, culture & beliefs. For me, this is the truth & this is the reason I write these books. I assure you that all facts are historically correct & backed up by numerous historical documents & archive material of which most is listed in the books references. This work took over 10 years for each volume to be completed. The research & collecting of this material spans over 4 generations. Our Ancestors in these books will find & embrace many people, many families, not just ours. It is my hope that many more people out there will find their roots & Ancestors because of this work.- Vol-I Genealogy & Vol-III Documents will be published soon in the same fashion in the very near future. Watch for them! CONTENTS CH. 1 Our French & the First Crusades CH. 2 French, Jesuits & the Fur Trade CH. 3 Forts & Posts Break the Wilderness CH. 4 Bits of Wea History CH. 5 Wea Chiefs, Villages & Locations CH. 6 Lifestyles, Customs & Change CH. 7 Stolen Land, War & Treaty Talk CH. 8 Treaties of the Wea CH. 9 Removals West & Citizen Peoria-s CH. 10 Annuities CH. 11 National Archives & Consolidated Dockets CH. 12 Land Records & Maps CH. 13 Wea Indian Tribe of Today CH. 14 Photo Album Other Tribes: Abenaki, Algonquian, Anishinaabe, Brothernton, Cayuga, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Chippewa, Delaware, Fox, Huron, Iroquois, Kickapoo, Kilatak, Linneway, Mandan, Mascouten, Menominee, M-tis, Mingo, Mohawk, Mohegan, Munsee, Nanticoke, Natchez, Nipissing, Nipmuc, Ojibaw, Oneida, Onondaga, Osage, Ottawa, Pepicokia, Potawatomie, Quapaw, Sauk, Shawnee, Sioux, Winnebago, Wyandot Prominent surnames: Abbott, Aveline, Baby, Baron, Beaubien, Beaver, Belestre, Berthelet, Black, Bondy, Boucher, Boxell, Boyd, Boyer, Brouillette, Buck, Burnett, Campeau, Cardinal, Chapoton, Charley, Chesne, Cicotte, Cloud, Cott, Dagenette, DeLisle, Dixon, Drake, Eddy, Finley, Fish, Fuller, Gamelin, Gaultier, Gillis, Godfroy, Gouin, Hackley, Haffner, Hedges, Hunt, Hunter, Isaac, Isbell, Jarrett, Keller, LaCroix, LaFontaine, Langlois, Larimer/Larrimar, LeGrand, LeGris, LeGro, Lefebvre, Lindley, Paschal, Peckham, Peery, Peoria, Racine, Reaume, Richardville, Roe/Rowe, Roi/Roy, Shadle, Shaw, Shields, Sills, Smith, St. Onge, Testard, Trottier, Vallie, Wadsworth, Walker, Ward, Waubunse, Wells, Wea, Wilson Some Battles & Wars: Pickawillany Massacre 1752, Great Meadows 1754, French & Indian 1754, Pontiac's 1763, Bushy Run 1763, Detroit 1763, Embarras 1785, Destruction Ouiatenon 1791, Fallen Timbers 1794, Tippecanoe 1811; Mississinewa, Tecumseh-s Brownstown, Fort Wayne & Fort Dearborn/Chicago 1812; Thames 1813, Black Hawk-s 1832. Miami & Iroquois 1660, Iroquois 1648 & 1732-1733 , Kaskaskia 1680, Iroquois & French 1656 & 1684, Miami & Illini 1765, Wea & Iroquois 1704, Wea & Miami 1712-1714, Wea & Chickasaw 1732-1738
Paperback: 604 pages
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.4 x 11 inches