Now I know why commanders all look like old men. Surviving ain't easy; staying human is even harder.
Some gave up. We came across a female gang called the Cock Blockers and their "choke point" still gives me nightmares. We fought a biker gang that call themselves the Mongol Hordes and make ol' Genghis look like a pussycat. And we met a group of Amish who have extreme ideas on damage control .
We got a new problem now. Ella said to me, "when the world died, we all became family." Guess that applies to the zombies as well.
Because Cindy's been having strange dreams 'bout a guy who calls himself King Death. Guess it's a psychic connection, because we got reports of this guy heading out east, with his Queen and a nightmare in her womb. Yep, the unborn undead are coming to Snareville.
The fight's coming to us. Coming home, to Snareville.
Paperback: 334 pages
Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 5.9 x 8.9 inches