R.F.D. 3 Pack Collection - Pocketbooks
By Bill Knight

Product Details
3 pocketbook collection by Bill Knight. - AS HEARD ON WMBD
"Bill Knight has assembled a rich collection of wonderful charaters in RFD, from monument makers to people who raise buffalo for a hobby, from attorneys who have a special mission to offbeat artists and country doctors, plus a series of places and pieces on paper boys - all written with a pungent insight that makes this part of Illinois as important, vital and interesting as it really is. Here is a small, wonderfully crafted pocketbooks that present through the eye of a trainer, veteran observer that rare quality book commentators call a sense of place." --Jerry Kein, Journal Star columnist and author of 'Played in Peoria.'
96-page paperback.
Book measures 4 3/8 x 7 inches.
Copyright 1992. Published by Mayfly Productions.
Illustrated with black-and-white (B&W) photos by Al Harkrader. Includes short essays about local people, places such as Armington, Ellisville, and Peoria Heights, local men who became printers and then famous, and personal essays. Most of the published pieces first appeared in area newspapers or on local radio and Illinois Public Radio Network broadcasts.
If you enjoy literary vignettes, take advantage of the opportunity to add this book to your collection.
R.F.D. JOURNAL - 1993
"Knight's economical style and authentic ear tie his subjects together to create a sensitive picture of his time and place. --Mike Klenzier, Springfield State Journal Register
"One of the basic elements of good journalism is getting out of the way as sources tell their stores. Knight, besides being a capable writer, is an exceptional listener." --Bryan Oberle, Peoria Journal Star
"a first-rate volume of essays -- personal, genunine, place-oriented, with a remarkable sensistivity to the character of people in our region." --John Hallwas, editor, Spoon River Anthology.
112-page paperback.
Book measures 4 3/8 x 7 inches.
Copyright 1993. Published by Mayfly Productions.
R.F.D. NOTEBOOK - 1994
In this new collection of dozens of his stories for newspapers and magazine, plus scripts for radio and pilot manuscripts for local television, Bill Knight takes readers into the past and past familiar routes to the less-traveled countryside and to forgotten neighborhoods. Here, orginal people and places make extraordinary differences.
96-page paperback.
Book measures 4 3/8 x 7 inches.
Copyright 1994. Published by Mayfly Productions.