Reformat the Planet is a feature-length documentary that delves into the movement known as ChipTunes, a vibrant underground scene based around creating new, original hardware. Familiar devices such as the Nintendo Game Boy and Nintendo Entertainment System are pushed with startling results. Using New York as a microcosm for a larger global movement, Reformat the Planet maps out the genesis of the first annual Blip Festival, a four-day celebration of over 30 international artists exploring the untapped potential of low-bit video game consoles. With floor-stomping rhythms and fist-waving melodies, trailblazers of the ChipTune idiom descend upon Manhattan to pen a new chapter in the history of electronic music.
Special Features
Disc 1: RTP
All new director's cut of Reformat the Planet
Commentary track with filmmakers
Additional interviews
Deleted scenes
Plus a full color 16-page collectors booklet featuring photos and all new essays
Disc 2: RTP 1.5
All new documentary, RTP 1.5
Commentary track with filmmakers
Music videos
Conversations featuring Johan Kotlinski, Peter Swimm, and David Sugar
Chip music tutorials featuring Glomag and Bit Shifter
Special Features
Disc 1: RTP
All new director's cut of Reformat the Planet
Commentary track with filmmakers
Additional interviews
Deleted scenes
Plus a full color 16-page collectors booklet featuring photos and all new essays
Disc 2: RTP 1.5
All new documentary, RTP 1.5
Commentary track with filmmakers
Music videos
Conversations featuring Johan Kotlinski, Peter Swimm, and David Sugar
Chip music tutorials featuring Glomag and Bit Shifter