As another Christmas approaches in the small Wisconsin town of Paradise, the local television news director, Lucy Collins, struggles to recapture the joy of Christmas after a traumatic event in her life just two years earlier. When the mysterious but attractive Joe McNamara arrives from Chicago to apply for the station's associate producer position everything changes for Lucy, her family and their small town independent television station. But, why has Joe really made the journey to Paradise? What are his intentions, and why is he really there? The answers just might surprise you. Joe is struggling too, but with what? Can truth be found where a lie began? "Journey to Paradise" is a suspenseful, romantic and life affirming story of hope, love, faith and finding the truth. Based on the novel "The Christmas Edition" by Robin Shope. Starring Matt Koester and Hannah Fager with Rachael Lau, Rick Richter, Len Gordon, Jan Mary Nelson and Dan Koester. Music by Michael Schroeder. Produced by Salty Earth Pictures - dedicated to encouraging, creating and distributing entertainment that challenges minds, lightens hearts and strengthens souls. Running time 2 hours, 14 minutes.