CitiSlicker CitiScape News Submission

Product Details
Each unit is equal to one full page news release in our Central Illinois CitiSlicker CitiScape news blog and further promoted in our CitiSlicker Newsletter, our groups and pages on Facebook, and other communities.
You may purchase one or more units and submit that many news releases and/or promtional articles and stories. We will match your payment against your submissions.
You may have already submitted your news, if not, submit it at your earliest convenience. Select Submit News, or head over to Central Illinois CitiSlicker CitiScape and select Submit News on the top page menu.
Prerequsite: You must be a member of the ciB2B Heartbeat Community to apply for and purchase this service. Join ciB2B Heartbeat.
This is a founders member launch price. It will raise as our audience grows. Your release remains viewable as long as you remain active in our ciB2B Heartbeat Community.