Terry and the Trouble With Trash - Softcover

Terry and the Trouble With Trash - Softcover

    Price: $4.95

    SKU: 9780971165939

    Code: RUCKER111B

    Format: Softcover
    Artist/Author: Mike Rucker

    3 available for immediate delivery.

    Terry and the Trouble With Trash - Softcover
    Terry and his friends have a job they hate. They have to work in a nasty garbage dump. Also, the garbage dump owner is not a nice man. Someone who does like the garbage dump is a fun loving seagull named Sammy. Sammy is loud and raucous but Terry learns to like the silly bird. One day the garbage dump catches on fire and has to be shut down. A new owner buys the property and turns it into a properly run sanitary landfill. When the landfill is finally "filled up" a nice surprise awaits the machines and Sammy the Seagull puts on a wacky show for the tractors.