An Overdone Thanksgiving - Staple Bound

An Overdone Thanksgiving - Staple Bound

    Price: $3.95

    SKU: 9781622491254

    Code: ZIP130B

    Attention: ONLY ONE LEFT!

    An Overdone Thanksgiving - Staple Bound
    Sniffer is a real live dog who lives with the author. Once there were young children and many animals Stupido, Stumpy, Bad Bunny, Louisville-Lu, etc.,who lived with the family from time to time. One old man, one old woman (the author), one old cat, one ol' dawg, and a lot of memories are all that remain.

    Paperback: 11 pages
    Publisher: Biblio Publishing/The Educational Publisher
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 1622491254
    ISBN-13: 978-1622491254